Monday, December 9, 2013

we finally got the mom to go shopping....

Took her long enough, but she got it done - and the package went in the mail this morning.

 Mozart made sure that mom was wrapping everything correctly.

 Saffron had to help inspect the wrapping paper.

Everything in the box ready to go.  Mom had it sitting on the chair this morning before she left and some cat almost got a surprise - Junior was trying to get himself in the box. Mom made sure he was removed before taping it shut - we don't think anyone wants the large orange tabby for Christmas.


  1. we would LOVE to have a large orange tabby for Christmas!

  2. HEHEHE, we love orinch tabby cats!

  3. We loves oringe tabbies fur christmas too! oh well dats okay... safe journey christmas pakages!

  4. awww...that would have made your package totally the bestest ever!
